100 TPH PORTABLE PARALLEL FLOW PLANT CMI/CAT 7’ (Nominal) Portable Drum Mixer
Barber Greene Portable Baghouse – CE240-185
30k Gallon Twin Axle Portable AC Tank w/ CEI Hot Oil Heater
20k Gallon (Nominal) Portable Fuel Tank
CMI/CAT Portable Cold Feed System – PAB432-120
CMI/CAT Control Trailer w/ Motor Control Components and Plant Controls
Portable 400 BBL (Nominal) Mineral Silo w/ Weigh Pod
Aggregate Screen and Pugmill Unit
Truck Scale (Separate from Plant)
Portable 100 Ton Cedarapids Asphalt Silo and Drag Slat
Parts Trailer
Portable CAT/CMI Weigh Scale Conveyor
2 Asphalt Tankers (Not assessed for value)